This is a message for all who seek Initiation, or further States to progress along the Path to Enlightenment.
We here can see much preparation going on and it heartens us because it means that the Energy sent will be used well, and with the commitment it deserves.
You, as people seeking Initiation can be assured that on every step of the Journey you will be cared for, helped and Loved by Us.
It is a Journey to find out about the big questions you may have been looking for all your life. For instance, ‘Why are we here?”
Perhaps you will have sought the answers in spiritual books and been disappointed.
On this Journey of Light and Sound you will find out the answers for yourself. There will be no need for clarification as you will know in your heart that the answers are True; it will all make sense to you.
You may discover that you are thinking in a different way, the old ideas and ways of being, diet, etc. will change. This is all natural process of “letting go” and having the potential to become the best that you can be whilst in a physical form. To reach the highest Spiritual State of Enlightenment – which, in turn will help to raise awareness in your fellow Man.